Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss <p>Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences (NJSS) is published in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State Nigeria. NJSS is an online, open access, peer reviewed, academic journal that publishes original research, well-structured evaluation studies, current case reports, meta-analysis reports, systematic review articles, book reviews of high scholarly standards, and theoretical manuscripts which are aimed at proffering solutions to critical social and behavioral problems in Africa. The core goal of NJSS is the communication of scientific findings and interpretation in a simple manner but without the sacrifice of professional standards. Authors are to visit the journal website: (<a href="https://nnadiebubejss.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://nnadiebubejss.org</a>) to register and submit their manuscripts. The Nnadiebube Journal of Social Science publications shall be both online and offline. Publication shall be regular and special issues.</p> Faculty of Social Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State Nigeria en-US Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences AN EXAMINATION OF THE PURCHASE INTENTION OF ORGANIC FOODS AMONG ACADEMIC STAFF OF UNIVERSITIES IN ABIA STATE https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/76 <p>The main objective of this study is to explore and examine the purchase intentions of organic food among academic staff in the universities within Abia State. two universities: one Federal and one State university were selected for the study. These universities are the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and the Abia State Universities. To address the main objective of the study, quantitative survey research was adopted and data were collected from the respondents with a structured questionnaire. The population of the study comprise of all the academic staff in the universities selected and the Krejcie-Morgan formula was used to determine a sample of 363 out of which 221 respondents returned valid and usable responses. Four independent variables/constructs were selected for the and both the IVs and the DV were measured with five items each. Data collected were analysed with the aid of Sigma XL version 9.0 and the results indicate that the four independent variables are statistically significant in influencing purchase intention of organic food. The implications, both practical and theoretical were discussed.</p> Okwudiri Nnanna Ohuonu Ireneus C. Nwaizugbo Titus C. Okeke Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 5 1 1 17 THE MEDIATING ROLE OF TRUST ON THE INFLUENCE OF PERCEIVED SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IDENTITY ON BRAND EQUITY AMONG COSMETICS CUSTOMERS https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/77 <p>This study is concerned with the mediating effect of trust on the influence of perceived sustainability and social identity on brand equity among customers in southeast Nigeria. The study was based on a cross-sectional survey design; the population of the study comprise the students of tertiary institutions in the zone and a sample of 350 respondents drawn from tertiary institutions in the zone. Primary information was collected with questionnaire and the data collected were analysed with mediation analysis with the aid of JASP version software. Analysis of the data here show that perceived sustainability has positive and significant effect with brand equity. The mediator variable, trust was incorporated into the analysis, the significant and positive effects were eliminated. The indirect effects were negative not significant. This means that the mediator variable completely wiped away the significance of the two IVs which implies full mediation. The findings from this study have implications for theory and practice.</p> T. C. Okeke Eresimadu Chukwunonso I. N. Oranusi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 5 1 18 25 EFFECT OF MIGRANTS’ REMITTANCES ON INCOME INEQUALITIES IN NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/78 <p><em>The study empirically examined the effect of migrants’ remittances and income inequality in Nigeria from 1990 -2022. The study used secondary data which were collected from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and World Bank Indicator. The data collected were analysed using error correction method (ECM) and the result revealed that migrants’ remittances have a positive and significant relationship on income inequality in Nigeria during the period under investigation, while inflation rate has a negative and non-significant relationship with income inequality in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that government should put in place policies that maximize the benefits of migrants’ remittances and maximize their positive effects in Nigeria. Also, complementary policies that help mitigate any adverse income distribution consequences of migrants’ remittances should be designed. Such mitigating polices may range from setting up or improving safety nets, better labour policies and institutions. </em></p> Selena Idowu Okhumaile Adeniji Akinmegha Olakunle Aigbodesi Maryam Iregha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 5 1 26 34