Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss <p>Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences (NJSS) is published in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State Nigeria. NJSS is an online, open access, peer reviewed, academic journal that publishes original research, well-structured evaluation studies, current case reports, meta-analysis reports, systematic review articles, book reviews of high scholarly standards, and theoretical manuscripts which are aimed at proffering solutions to critical social and behavioral problems in Africa. The core goal of NJSS is the communication of scientific findings and interpretation in a simple manner but without the sacrifice of professional standards. Authors are to visit the journal website: (<a href="https://nnadiebubejss.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://nnadiebubejss.org</a>) to register and submit their manuscripts. The Nnadiebube Journal of Social Science publications shall be both online and offline. Publication shall be regular and special issues.</p> en-US Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MORAL LEADERSHIP AND WORK-FAMILY CONFLICT https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/81 <p>This current study examined the moderating role of loyalty to supervisor in the relationship between moral leadership and work family conflict among subordinates. A total of 37 subordinates in organizations/company located in Onitsha, Awka, Warri of Anambra and Delta state were sampled using the purposive sampling technique and selected with the aid of the supervisors. The gender distribution of the subordinates is 14 male (38.9%) and 22 females (61.1%). Age of the subordinates ranged from 20 to 40 years old with the mean of 28.57 and standard deviation of 4.49. Instruments used for measuring the variables include the moral leadership scale (Cheng et al., 2004), work-family conflict scale (Carlson et al., 2000), and loyalty to supervisor scale (Chen et al., 2003). The current study adopted a cross sectional survey and correlational design. Findings revealed that moral leadership has a significant negative relationship with work-family conflict (r= -.401, r= p &lt;.05) and a significant positive relationship with loyalty to supervisor (r= .541, p &lt;.01). However, loyalty to supervisor did not show a significant relationship with work-family conflict (r= -.026, p &gt;.01). Moderation analysis indicated that loyalty to supervisor moderated the relationship between moral leadership and work-family conflict (b = -.0711, 95% CI [-.1272<strong>, </strong>-.0150], t = -2.58, p &lt; .05). Based on these findings, the study recommends that the management need to first develop work conditions that should earn subordinates’ trust, respect, and compliance. Under these conditions alone, can work-family conflict might be managed effectively with the aid of highly moral leaders, superiors or supervisors in the work place.</p> Ikechukwu C. Igwebuike, O.A.U Nnedum , Stella Obioma Nnatu Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/81 Sun, 06 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 SPORT AS AN INFLUENCE ON WOMEN TROUSER FASHION: A CASE OF IGBO IN SOUTH–EASTERN NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/82 <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: #0e101a;">The Igbo are found in the South-Eastern Nigeria. Their women are known for their elaborate and colourful cultural dress. During the pre-colonial period, their formal clothing was the same as their modern-day clothing though made with less expensive materials. But after the westernization, their clothes became more modern, in that clothes like skirts, shirts, trousers, knickers, shorts, gowns of different sizes and styles, jackets, coats, and pieces of jewelry were found being utilized by the women in fashion. Although some modern females wear trousers for various purposes including sports, they are still frowned upon in some cases especially if worn when attending their towns’ meetings. Thus the usage of trousers in sports has forced its acceptance by some people due to the ease and decency it offers the wearer. From wearing trousers during sports activities, some females have now fully accepted wearing trousers as one of their garb by using different fabrics used by the Igbo women as cloth for constructing pairs of trousers worn to different occasions. This study is qualitative research. It employed the use of interviews, participant observations, and photography to collect some data. It hinged on the theories of social change and cultural diffusion for analysis and found out how trousers became accepted by some of the Igbo, and also the reasons why some are still rejecting them to date. It summarily suggests that the wearing of trousers should know no gender, it should not be seen as a taboo but rather a feminine way of protecting the body against some weather cues and for easy movement, especially on road travel considering the insecurity one faces on road travels in Nigeria.</span></p> Chika Chudi-Duru Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/82 Sun, 06 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 LINKING RELATIONSHIP MARKETING TO ORGANIZATIONAL CENTRIC CUSTOMER WELL-BEING IN A NON-WESTERN CULTURE https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/83 <p>Studies on the relationship management phenomenon have been approached from either the customer perspective or consumer perspective, none has approached it from a customer well-being perspective. Evidence from literature however show that relationship management is a management tool for engaging customers hence this study was based on RM as a tool for &nbsp;enhancing customers well-being for total &nbsp;satisfaction, loyalty, retention, benefits, collaboration and empowerment. One independent variable: relationship management; and five dependent variables: total customer experience, customer retention, customer loyalty, relationship benefits, collaboration and empowerment were used in the study as gleaned from literature. To achieve the aim of this study, a cross-sectional survey was undertaken with the customers of bank firms in Awka, southeast Nigeria. &nbsp;Based on a known population of bank customers a sample size formula for known population were utilized to arrive at a sample of 250 respondents. The primary information was collected with structured questionnaire distributed to the respondents physically and online via select bank customers’ platforms majorly the WhatsApp social media platforms in the select two banks in Unizik campus at Awka. A total of 220 respondents returned valid and usable responses which amounted to approximately 88% response rate. The analysis was done with the SPSS version 25 software. The results of the analysis showed that there is a direct statistically significant positive relationship between total customer satisfaction, customer retention, customer loyalty, relationship benefits, collaboration and empowerment. The analysis also show the one IV has significant direct relationship with customer well-being dimensions. Based on the findings, we recommend that managers of bank organisations take necessary steps to utilise the various employee assistance professional techniques to enhance customer well-being.</p> Christopher Okoli, O.A.U. Nnedum, Stella Nnatu Copyright (c) 2024 Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/83 Sun, 06 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 EFFECTS OF PSYCHOEDUCATION AND ACCEPTANCE COMMITMENT THERAPY ON ANXIETY FOR USE OF HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES AMONG WOMEN IN AWKA SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/84 <p>This study examined the effect of Psychoeducation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on anxiety for use of Hormonal Contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area. A total of 36 women with anxiety for use of Hormonal Contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Areawho were within the age range of 18 to 45 years, mean age of 29.67 and standard deviation of 8.4 were recruited from ChukwuemekaOdumegwuOjukwu University Teaching Hospital, Amaku, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.The participants were administered the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. The study made use of between subject pretest\posttest research design and One-Way Anova statistics. The first hypothesis indicated a&nbsp;significant effect between Psyhchoeducation and the control group at F (1, 47) P&lt;.05. The second hypothesis was accepted indicating a significant effect between Acceptance Commitment Therapy and control group at F (1, 47) P&lt;.05. The third hypothesis was rejected indicating psychoeducation had less effect than Acceptance Commitment Therapy at F (1, 48) P&lt;.05 respectively. It is however recommended that Psyhchoeducation and Acceptance Commitment Therapy are effective and safe treatment for anxiety for use of hormonal contraceptives among Women in Awka South Local Government Area, Amaku, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. It is further suggested for studies to cover more women diagnosed with anxiety foruse of hormonal contraceptives so that more generalizable result is obtained.</p> O. N. Umenweke, J. O. Ezeokana, C. A. F. Okoye, C. I. Onyemaechi Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/84 Sun, 06 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 IMPACT OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PENETRATION ON TAX REVENUE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/85 <p>The research investigated the effect of Information Communication Technology penetration on tax revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the effect of mobile phone on tax revenue and to determine the effect of personal computer on tax revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa. The research was anchored on digital diffusion which based on the notion that adoption of an innovation involves the spontaneous or planned spread of new ideas. The method of analysis employed for this study was the panel ordinary least square techniques with the aid of e-view version 09. The result showed that mobile phone and personal computer have positive and significant effect on tax revenue in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study recommended amongst others that technological tools should be leverage upon by government in the Sub-Saharan African countries in other to improve their method of tax collection to increase tax revenue.</p> Wisdom Okere , Charles Emeka Nwobia, Nonso John Okoye , Olaleye Faruq Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/85 Sun, 06 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0700 EFFECTS OF GROUP THERAPY ON QUALITY OF LIFE OF WOMEN DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/86 <p>This study examined the Effect of Group Therapy on Quality of Life of Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Sixty-seven (67) women who were receiving treatment at the Oncology Center of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria participated in the study. The participants’ age ranged from twenty-three (23) to seventy-two (72) years with a mean age of (41.77) and a standard deviation of (9.67). The participants were selected using simple random sampling technique. The study had intervention group and control group. The intervention group had 12 week session of 60-90 minutes therapy per week. WHOQOL-BREF and Beach Center Family Quality of Life scales were used for the pretest and post-test respectively to determined their quality of life before and after intervention. The study adopted a between group subject design. ANOVA and chai square (X<sup>2</sup>) were used for data analysis while logistic regression was used for posthoc analysis. Result showed that Group Therapy significantly improved the quality of life of women diagnosed with breast cancer (Mean diff = -16.027<sup>*</sup>; P &lt; 0.001). Findings also indicates that there was a significant difference between the quality of life of the Control Group and the intervention group (F = 27.162, P ≤ 0.001). Finally, the study therefore recommends that for effective and holistic treatment of breast cancer, Group Therapy should be integrated as one of the front-line complementary therapies. This was implicated to address the psychological component of cancer.</p> Michael Onyeka Ezenwa, Eze Nsi Ude , Oluwatonyin Ibukun Iyare Copyright (c) 2024 Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/86 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 VALIDATION AND ADAPTATION OF PERCEIVED SOCIETAL MARGINALIZATION SCALE AMONG THE SAMPLE OF IGBO NATION INHABITING SOUTH EAST, NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/87 <p>This study aimed to validate a measure of perceived societal marginalization (PSM, - Bollerk, Schlipphak &amp; Back, 2021) that can be commensurate in measuring perceived marginalization in Nigeria, in three domains of economy, culture and politics. The development of the instrument targeted, particularly the Igbos (the tribe that predominately inhabits the Southeast part of Nigeria). Using a simple convenient sampling method, 164 participants validly responded to the online questionnaire, and these data were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), where principal component analysis was conducted to verify the factor structure. SPSS software version 23 was used to analyze the data. Result confirmed the PSM three factors (perceived economic, cultural, and political, factor), but with great changes. For cultural factor, only one item (item 8 in the questionnaire) survived, other items of this dimension had double-loading with factor 1 (economic factor), Because of this, we decided to expunged the cultural dimension. Thus, the final version of the perceived societal marginalization Questionnaire included a 10-items with two subscales (perceived economic marginalization and perceived political marginalization), that explained a cumulative variance of 68.32. Further evaluation of the psychometric properties provided support for the reliability and validity of the measure. Thus, PSM scale can serve as an effective measurement tool for assessing the extent of marginalization as perceived by individuals, particularly the Igbo extraction in Nigeria.</p> Dike Adannia Amalachukwu , Charles O. Anazonwu Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/87 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 EFFECT OF PERCEIVED INSECURITY ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN PRIVATE AND STATE OWNED UNIVERSITIES IN ENUGU STATE, NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/88 <p>This study examined if perceived insecurity affects the psychological well-being of undergraduates. Questionnaires were shared with 300 participants from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) and Renaissance University (RNU), Nkanu-West local government area, Enugu State, and a total of 230 filled the questionnaire properly, of which 118 (51.2%) were males, and 112 (47.7) were females, with a mean age of 21.97. This study made use of a cross-sectional survey design in the gathering of data. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze the data statistically. The results showed that perceived insecurity significantly predicts subjective well-being. In contrast, Political and Economic PIS do not significantly predict subjective well-being. Communitarian PIS shows a weak but statistically significant negative relationship with subjective well-being. It is recommended that university managements prioritize incorporating various security measures to ensure the safety of their students.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Stella Ugwueze , ChrisMichael Joy Mbanugo, Chijioke Andrew Onwuegbuchulam, Johnson Itodo Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/88 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 EFFECT OF APPLICATION OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/98 <p>The study was on the effect of emotional intelligence on organizational performance:<strong>&nbsp;</strong>A case study of Community and Social Development Agency<strong>.</strong>&nbsp;The study examined the effect of the emotional intelligence training received by the management team of Anambra State Community and Social Development Agency on team spirit of staff members and commitment to achievement of project development objective. Descriptive research design was adopted by the study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Ordinal levels of measurement were used by constructing a five point Likert scale. &nbsp;A simple random sampling method was used to select the respondents. The research findings were; there is a significant relationship between Managers emotional intelligence and Staff performance as a result of team spirit demonstrated by staff members of ANCSDA and there is a significant relationship between the managers’ application of knowledge gained from emotional intelligence training in the management of their subordinate staff and the achievement of the objectives of the Community and Social Development Project which was occasioned by staff commitment. It was therefore recommended that organizations should endeavor to invest in emotional intelligence trainings of their management team as it will enable them to enhance team spirit among staff as well as improve productivity.</p> AUGUSTINA UCHE NWAIZUGBO Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/98 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN SHAPING YOUTH POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN ANAMBRA STATE https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/99 <p>The study examined the role of social media in shaping youth political participation in Awka Metropolis of Anambra state from perspectives of religions institutions specifically Catholic and Pentecostal churches. The objectives of the study were to determine, the influence of perceived usefulness of social media on youth political participation in Awka Metropolis, the influence of perceived behavioural control towards the use of social media and subjective norms towards the use of social media for political participation. The study was anchored on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The population of study was 86,600 which were obtained from the ministry of youth development in Awka, Anambra state. More so, 400 youths were sampled using structured questionnaire. The study adopted Systematic Random Sampling Techniques. Data were analysed by using descriptive statistical e.g. mean and percentage and inferential statistics e.g. multiple regression Analysis. Findings revealed that there was significant relationship between subjective norms and political participation, perceived usefulness, perceived behavioural control and political participation. Hence supporting various theoretical framework and empirical literature on youth engagement in politics. The study recommended that religious institutions should leverage on social media and digital platforms to promote positive social norms around political participation. They should also integrate civic education in their church programs emphasizing the relevance of political engagements by youths since Nigeria population is dominated by youths. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Obinna Okereke, Anayo D. Nkamnebe, Titus C. Okeke Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/99 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES IN RAISING THE PER CAPITAL INCOME OF RURAL DWELLERS IN ENUGU STATE, NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/100 <p>This paper studied the role of cooperative societies in rising per capita in our rural communities, with special emphasis on Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to ascertain the effect of cooperative societies loans on per capita income rise in rural communities, and determine the effect of provision of farm inputs by cooperative societies on per capita income rise among rural dwellers in Ezeagu Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria, a total of six hundred and fifty five (655) cooperative societies members were selected for the study, and a sample of two hundred and forty eight was drawn from the population using Taro Yamane Formulae, the researchers employed tables, frequencies and simple percentages in the analysis of the data, and ANOVA test tool was used to test the formulated hypotheses. Results from the study revealed that the cooperative societies significantly increased the per capita income of members who are farmers in a rural economy through cooperative loans ( F cal 3268.332 &gt; F – tab 2.7858), the cooperative societies also significantly increased the per capita income of the members &nbsp;(farmers in a rural economy) through provision of farm inputs (F – cal 7245.34 &gt; F – tab 2.7858). The researchers strongly recommends access to more funds for the cooperative societies, so that members can access more loans and the use of the cooperative societies as platforms for the farmers in rural areas to procure farm inputs</p> Onyedikachi Augustina Akporji, Bashir M Mamman, Collins Onyema Chukwu Copyright (c) 2024 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/100 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 EFFECT OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ON LEVEL OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/102 <p>The study assessed the impact of Infrastructure Development assets class on Unemployment index in Nigeria. The problem that led to this study is the consistent increase in infrastructure deficit in Nigeria and how it has contributed to the economic instability and poverty level in the nation. The specific objective of this study is to assess the impact of infrastructure development assets class on Unemployment index in Nigeria. This work was anchored on Wagner theory. Being an ex-post facto research, data were obtained through secondary sources. The annual data were sourced and collected for the period of 1988-2022 from the CBN Statistical Bulletin (2023), International Financial Statistics, International Monetary Fund (IMF) database and World Bank database. The data were analysed using E-views version 8 and SPSS version. The findings revealed that Infrastructure development assets class had significant effect on Unemployment level in Nigeria. It was recommended that Unemployment index is one of the economic indicators of an unperforming economy, Therefore, government of Nigeria need to channel much funds into the transportation infrastructure development and the ICT infrastructure development in order to create more employment opportunities in Nigeria.</p> Nnamdi Lawrence Okeke , Nonso John Okoye Copyright (c) 2025 https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/102 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700 WHEN THE BURDEN OF LIFE COULD NOT TAKE AWAY HAPPINESS AND LIFE SATISFACTION https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/103 <p>This descriptive cross-sectional survey research sought to investigate in-school adolescent hawkers’ subjective well-being and how it could be influenced by socio-demographic variables. Using the snowball sampling technique, 210 in-school adolescent hawkers were recruited in the study. Self-reported questionnaire was employed for data collection, and descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analyzing the data. Major findings revealed that in-school adolescent hawkers reported mean scores that were higher than average on the three aspects of subjective well-being, indicating a level of resilience in the face of the hardships connected with their lives and experiences. However, their comparatively lower mean scores on the dimension of social well-being point to significant deficiencies in their social integration and trust in societal structures. Besides, gender differences were observed, particularly in the social well-being dimension, where male adolescent hawkers scored significantly lower than their female counterparts. Adolescents living with their parents demonstrated significantly higher emotional and social well-being scores than those living with foster parents or guardians; adolescents in urban areas reported significantly higher emotional and psychological well-being compared to their rural counterparts whereas there were age-related developmental variations in subjective well-being. We conclude that in-school adolescent hawkers in Nigeria may have high subjective well-being with comparatively lower mean scores on the social well-being dimension, and that the consideration of important socio-demographic variables are critical to understanding their subjective well-being. Implications of the findings were highlighted.</p> Kingsley Chinaza Nwosu, Njideka Getrude Mbelede, Calista Nwoti, Mohammed Ahmed Jibrin, Christopher Obinna Alaribe Copyright (c) 2024 Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences https://nnadiebubejss.org/index.php/njss/article/view/103 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 -0700