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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

NJSS Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript

Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences (NJSS) is published in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State Nigeria. NJSS is an online, open access, peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes original research, well-structured evaluation studies, current case reports, meta-analysis reports, systematic review articles, book reviews of high scholarly standards, and theoretical manuscripts which are aimed at proffering solutions to critical social and behavioral problems around the globe. The core goal of NJSS is the communication of scientific findings and interpretation in a simple manner but without the sacrifice of professional standards. Authors are to visit the journal website:        to register and submit their manuscripts. Alternatively, the manuscript can be submitted as an MS word attachment through:


Scope: Papers submitted for review and possible publication may address any aspect of general and applied psychology, work organization research and personnel policy, leadership research and organization science policy, meta-analytical research, progressive reviews, data science, meta-bus research and big data policy, employee-assistance profession research, labor union research and policy, Innovative work behaviors, sociological research and policy, vocational and occupational behavior, economic research and policy, organizational behavior, African business, economic research and policy, consumer behavior, behavioral science research and policy, cross-cultural studies, machine-assisted learning, Higher education, and learning technology,  drug abuse research and substance abuse policy, political science research and policy, social media research and digital communication policy, brief reports, ethical issues relating to business. NJSS is powered by a knowledgeable and resourceful editorial board. 

Submitting your Manuscript: Authors interested in publishing articles in the Nnadiedube Journal of Social Sciences are encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically to the The manuscript for submission must be written in the English Language with double-spacing throughout on one side of A4 or use standard size paper with all margins at least one inch saved as a Microsoft word file. NJSS encourages conciseness in writing. Typical manuscripts should normally be between 15 to 35 pages, including references, tables, and figures. Longer papers will be considered and published if they met the above criteria. The best ideas are always expressed in simple, direct language. Excessive references are not helpful. Cite only the most representative and authoritative sources to support your points.

NJSS accepts only English Language Manuscripts. Poor writing may jeopardize the evaluation of good ideas. Poor grammar impedes communication. NJSS encourages the use of professional copy-editing services before submission of the manuscript, especially for non-native English-speaking authors. The better-developed manuscript and the ideas it contains, the easier it will be to review, and the better it will be received by reviewers. NJSS encourage authors to seek peer reviews on their manuscript prior to submission to NJSS. Each submission should be accompanied by a cover letter addressed to the Editor, indicating that the manuscript is original and not under consideration by any other journal or book. An acknowledgment of receipt will be e-mailed to the author within two days and the manuscript will be sent for external review by three independent reviewers. Once a manuscript is received at NJSS, the editor reads the manuscript for appropriateness for NJSS. Manuscripts prepared in a way that could compromise blind review also may be returned to the author for revision. The American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual (7th edition) should be followed when preparing manuscripts. Manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board. NJSS allows up to ten days for commencement of the external review, 3 months for a publication decision, and up to 1 year for publication.

Authors should supply a cover page with the names and complete contact information for the primary author and any co-authors. Their names should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript. Specifically, the cover page has the title of the paper, the names of all the authors, and their affiliation; along with the detailed address of the corresponding author, including postal address, email address, phone number, and fax number. Acknowledgments should be the first entry in the Notes section, which immediately precedes the References. The numbered notes should begin after the acknowledgments. The second page of the paper should have the title of the paper and an informative abstract of no more than 250 words, double-spaced. Provide up to five keywords or phrases to help in identifying appropriate reviewers. The body of the paper begins on page 3. It is not necessary to include the title on this page. Primary headings should be capitalized and bold. Secondary headings should be in upper and word capitalized. Third-level headings should be italicized with the first word capitalized. All headings should be left-justified.

Authors are to organize the manuscript into five main sections: Introduction, Theoretical Background, and Literature Reviews (if hypotheses are used, include them in this section), Methods, Result, Discussion, and Conclusion. Use secondary headings within each main section to clearly organize the presentation. Put sentences in the active voice (e.g. ‘I did it, they did it) instead of the passive voice (‘it was done') to make it easy for readers to see who did what. Use the first person (“I” or “We”) to describe what you did yourself. Number all the pages, from the cover page to the end of the entire manuscript. Kindly, prepare the entire manuscript (including tables and figures) in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman font, use 12 point size for the body of the paper.  NJSS is published twice a year; contributors should e-mail their manuscripts to the Editor at For additional information, please


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